
Showing posts from May, 2022

Everything You Need To Know About Out-Of-Home Advertising

In the realm of online advertising, tech giants like Facebook and Google are setting the standard. Companies turn to out-of-home advertising when they need to get the word out about a new product or feature, purchasing billboard ads all over the world. They aren’t on their own. In mid-2018, Alexis O’Hanian, co-founder of Reddit, made an enormous investment in AdQuick, a digital billboard booking firm. Netflix stated around the same time that it had acquired assets from a well-known Los Angeles billboard company. The explanation is simple: despite the benefits of online advertising, when you want your message to stand out, you go with out-of-home advertising, also known as outdoor media advertising . What is out-of-home advertising? Out-of-home advertising refers to any visual advertising medium found outside of the home (OOH). Advertisements on street furniture such as bus shelters or benches, transit hubs such as airports or train stations, and place-based ad media such as those found...