What is Engagement Marketing?

Consumers usually do not like blatant marketing and tend to avoid it. This is exactly why most browsers offer ad blockers and people generally skip ads. At the end of the day, if your average consumer comes across a thousand advertisements in various forms, they will only remember one or two. Thus, a good marketing strategy should aim to be that one or two brands which stick in the consumer’s memory. The idea is to rise above the marketing noise that can be found almost everywhere – on social media, in your mail, on billboards, etc. The way to cut through the noise is engagement marketing. 
Experiential Marketing in India

Engagement marketing can be better explained with an example. Perhaps, one of the best-known examples of experiential or engagement marketing is Cartoon Network’s Rickmobile. To advertise their upcoming series ‘Rick and Morty’, Cartoon Network introduced a truck on the streets which was created after the image of the main character in the show, Rick. The truck was filled with merchandise from the show and it roamed from city to city. Imagine seeing an eccentric truck shaped like a cartoon character – you will definitely remember it when you go to sleep at night. This is perhaps the best example of engagement marketing. Stunts like these pique the interest of your audience and hook them in. 
Statistics show that engagement marketing results in a better conversion rate. To start with engagement marketing, there is one rule that you have to keep in mind – understand and love your customers. The first step is to know your customers. In the previous example, Cartoon Network knew that their potential audience was a group of people who love eccentricity as the show itself is quite eccentric. Thus, they pulled off an eccentric stunt. More importantly, it is very important to love your customer. Engagement marketing is not possible until and unless there is an intimate relationship between the brand and its customers. 
One important thing to note is that engagement marketing is quite different from interruption marketing. A common example of interruption marketing would be pop-ups that you come across on various websites. Interruption marketing is not a great idea as it ends up damaging your brand reputation. Surveys show that consumers find interruption marketing annoying. 
Another way to engage with your customers is to provide interactive content. For instance, your brand can release a game that your users can play. That game would end up increasing your brand visibility and informing potential customers about the existence of your product or service. When a customer engages with a brand, they are more likely to invest in that brand’s service or product. Indeed, there are many ways to interact with customers in a constructive way. What one requires to come up with a good engagement marketing strategy is creativity. 

This creativity can easily be found in Ad agencies. There are many firms in India which offer experiential marketing services. Laqshya Media Group is one of those firms and they offer some of the best marketing strategies out there.


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